Please join us on Friday, April 26th at 12PM for our online chapter meeting and speaker Art Therapist Ursula Jorgensen, LMFT
This workshop will provide 2 CEs
CEs FREE to SWRC Chapter Members
$20 for Non-SWRC Members
Welcome to our speaker Art Therapist
Ursula Jorgensen, ATR-BC, LMFT
Presenting Art In Therapy, 5 Favorite
Art Therapy Interventions, 2 CEs
Instructor Qualifications: has valid master’s degree in Psychology with Certification/Specialty in Art Therapy; is a Board-Certified Art Therapist ; has more than two years in subject being presented.
Content Relevance: Marriage and Family Therapists, Clinical Social Workers, Professional Clinical Counselors, Psychologists
Content Level: Introductory
Content based on: Methodological knowledge base, Practice knowledge base
Program Goals: The goal of this program is for participants to be able to understand the difference between Art Therapy by Art Therapists and Art in Therapy by clinical therapists without certification in Art Therapy. All participants will learn to provide clinically appropriate art-based interventions for clients of all ages from young children to teen/adults who are creative or young at art.
Measurable Learning Objectives
- Define Art Therapy.
- Identify art mediums from structured to non-structures art mediums on art continuum.
- Understand difference between Art Therapy and Art in Therapy.
- List 3-5 art based interventions with goals and considerations.
Presentation Description
Art therapy has a long and distinguished history with documented benefits for many populations. Some populations that have experience this benefit are those suffering from trauma, loss, PTSD, anxiety, depression, selective mutism, and neurodiversity such as ASD or ADD/ADHD. As human beings we strive to express ourselves not only by words but to ‘make our mark’. Preschoolers will color and scribble for hours using colors and lines. What is less clear is how to do use art in session ethically and with clear verbiage when talking to clients or their family.
This workshop will help define Art therapists from therapists offering art making. The importance of art materials when working with different client populations. The presenter will share their top 3-5 interventions depending on time leaving space for some questions and answers from participants.
Presenter Bio
Ursula is a Board-Certified Art Therapist and owner of a group practice in Northern California with four offices. She has presented multiple workshops and talks for home chapter of CAMFT (SCV). Ursula uses a person-centered approach with narrative interventions and existential philosophy. Some people like food call them selves foodies. Ursula loves words and is self titled “wordie” which she pairs with symbol making. Besides being a therapy geek she loves DC and Marvel superheroes and supervillains.
Ursula Jorgensen, ATR-BC, LMFT
Cell phone: 650-218-0913
CE Evaluation and Certificate: A link to the evaluation and fee payment will be provided during the presentation. In addition, an email with appropriate links will go out to all registrants after the course is completed.
Provision of Continuing Education Units: This course meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credits. Southwest Riverside County Chapter of CAMFT (Provider Number 94446) is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LEPs, and LPCCs. Southwest Riverside County CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.
General Information: While SWRC-CAMFT strives to assure fair treatment for all participants, there will be occasional issues which come to the attention of the workshop staff which will require action on the part of the SWRC-Board. Please put all grievances in writing about a speaker, the content presented by the speaker, the style of presentation, workshop offering, its content, level of presentation, or the facilities in which the workshop was offered. SWRC-CAMFT will keep all grievances confidential and work to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.
SWRC-CAMFT will accommodate any special requests for our in-person workshops to a reasonable degree including those with wheelchair needs, hearing and sight impairments, and learning disabilities. We do not discriminate against any individual or group with respect to any service, program or activity based on gender, race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, age, or other prohibited basis. SWRC-CAMFT will meet all applicable local, state, and federal standards, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.